Australiana - Badger Books Catalogue

About this catalogue

Well, not exactly Australian secrets, instead, less travelled paths, lost places, unlikely moments, supporting players taking over centre stage: Cape Denison; Australian Outsiders in Paris, and in Paraguay; Rowe Street, Sydney; Eileen Kramer’s first book (at 106); Quilts; Dr. John Power; the Phantom (in Australian Art); Ferretabilia; Anais Nin; POL and FNQ; the Dayaks step up; Don’o Kim; the French in Tasmania; Geraldine Halls (and Charlotte Jay); Australian troops at Lourdes; the Argonauts; le gang Kelly, Criena Rohan; the search for a white wallaby; Cliff Hardy and William Yang taking shape; the Blue Mountains’ mystery track; Nuclear Nazis; the Malaitamen; Sydney in 2075; the blonde ‘captive’ of our cover; in fact, all Australiana.